How Does Invisalign Work & Is It Right For You

How Does Invisalign Work & Is It Right For You


Clear aligners/Invisalign are a modern orthodontic treatment option that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners use a series of removable, custom-made aligners to gradually and gently move teeth into the desired position. This method of orthodontic treatment is great for adults and teens who don't want to wear traditional metal braces. In this blog post, we will discuss how clear aligners work, what the benefits are, and help you determine if these are the right treatment for you.

What are Clear Aligners/Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment used to straighten teeth without using traditional metal braces. Invisalign is a brand name for an orthodontic treatment used to straighten teeth using clear aligners. Unlike braces, clear aligners do not involve brackets, wires, or bands, making it more comfortable and discreet. The aligners are made from a patented thermoplastic material that is designed to be comfortable and provide a precise fit. Clear aligners are popular among adults because the aligners are virtually invisible and require fewer visits to the dentist than traditional braces.

How Do Clear Aligners/Invisalign Work?

The Invisalign system works by using a series of clear, customized aligners to gradually and gently shift teeth into the desired position. Every few weeks, you'll get a new set of aligners that are slightly different from the last. As you switch out your aligners, your teeth will move little by little until they reach the desired position. The entire process is overseen by an experienced dentist.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Clear Aligners/Invisalign?

The ideal aligner candidate should have mild to moderate alignment or spacing issues, such as overcrowding or crooked teeth. Clear aligner treatment is suitable for adults and teenagers with healthy teeth and gums. Those with more severe misalignment problems may require more traditional orthodontic treatments like braces. Clear aligners are also an excellent choice for those looking for a less visible option for straightening their teeth since the aligners are virtually invisible.

How Long Does Clear Aligner/Invisalign Treatment Take?

Clear aligner/Invisalign treatment typically takes anywhere from 9 to 15 months to complete, depending on the severity of your case. However, keep in mind that everyone's treatment plan is unique and will depend on their individual dental needs. Your dentist can give you a more precise timeline for your treatment when you consult with them.

How Much Do Clear Aligners/Invisalign Cost?

As a popular orthodontic treatment that can improve teeth alignment fairly quickly,
Invisalign does come with a price. Generally, treatment costs between $3,000 and $7,000. The exact cost of clear aligners/Invisalign depends on the severity of your misalignment and how many aligners you will need. Insurance plans may cover part or all of your Invisalign cost, so check with your provider before starting treatment.

Invisalign in Westford & Bedford, MA

At Emerson Dental, our experienced dental team is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile you have always wanted. We provide clear aligner treatment to our patients in the Westford & Bedford area. Our practice takes great pride in providing quality, personalized care to each patient, so you can be sure you will receive the best possible results. Contact us today to learn how we can help you get the perfect smile.